ISTOBAL receives the 2018 Valencia Chamber of Commerce Award for Business Management Excellence


The prize rewards the Valencian group specialized in car wash and car care solutions for all vehicle types for their leadership, strategic management, resource optimization and ongoing innovation.

Yesterday evening, ISTOBAL received the 2018 Valencia Chamber of Commerce Award for Business Management Excellence during the so-called ‘Night of the Valencian Economy’ gala, presided over by the King and Queen of Spain.  The prize rewards the Valencian group specialized in car wash and car care solutions for all vehicle types for their leadership, strategic management, resource optimization and ongoing innovation.

ISTOBAL CEOs Rafael and Yolanda Tomás were presented the award by the King and Queen of Spain. They thanked the representatives of the Valencian economic sector for the prize. As Rafael Tomás said, “it is one more incentive to continue innovating and manufacturing new high added-value products and services that meet user and customer needs, generate profitability and contribute not only to the company’s growth and competitiveness but also to the national economy”.

They also shared the prize with all ISTOBAL employees, “more than 850 highly committed professionals who are constantly improving and helping the Valencian group rank among the first companies in the European industry”, said Yolanda Tomás.

Held in Valencia’s Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia, the ‘Night of the Valencian Economy’ brought together hundreds of authorities and representatives of the business sector and of Valencia’s society in the yearly award gala of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce.
