Myths when washing the car that can damage the vehicle in the summer


During the summer months, with good weather, the number of drivers who choose to wash their vehicles outside their homes with the use of home products and in the sun increases. Experts in vehicle wash and care have warned today about the use of inappropriate products and accessories in car cleaning during these summer months and in extreme heat conditions, since they can damage the bodywork, paint and other parts of the car. .

At ISTOBAL, they warn about certain techniques when washing the car, such as the use of cleaning products commonly found at home or cola drinks, combined with brushes or abrasive sponges to dirt more encrusted by heat, as they can cause damage to the vehicle.

According to Carlos Valls, head of the Automatic wash division  at ISTOBAL, "the use of liquid dishwashing liquid to wash the exterior or upholstery of the car could be harmful since it tends to dry out the rubber parts of the vehicle."

Likewise, it is not advisable to use oven foam to clean the rims during the summer as it is a product that can be aggressive if this part of the vehicle is at very high temperatures. The company warns that, in case of application, it must be done carefully, always in the shade and remembers that generally this chemical is not a biodegradable product.

The application of toothpaste to clean various car parts is another of the most widespread techniques according to Carlos Valls. “There are those who use it above all to clean the headlights by rubbing with a nail brush and a lot of patience. But in reality, if you apply this type of technique with the wrong tool, it is very likely that you will end up causing scratches on the headlights”- he pointed out. "The best technique is to use a polishing cream and rub with a soft cloth to prevent any damage."

Regarding the use of hair shampoo, he stressed that “just as in personal or household cleaning we always use specific products for each area, in vehicle cleaning you will always obtain better results with the use of specialized products. Also, contrary to popular belief, washing the car at home with a hose and dishwasher or shampoo is not always cheaper than going to a car wash installation, as well as being a less sustainable method.”

For Carlos Valls, the use of cola is also not a good option to clean the rims and leave the tires or windows shiny due to its application, reaction time and less than optimal results.

Other guidelines to avoid

ISTOBAL does not recommend the steel soapy sponge to remove dry dirt such as mosquitoes or bird droppings, which are so common in summer, as they can cause significant scratches on the car.

Another guideline to avoid is to use the pressure of the rains to clean the car body as they leave drip marks on the paint and make the vehicle more dirty when dealing with muddy summer storms.

Likewise, it advises against letting the car dry in the sun because it causes the appearance of stains on the bodywork, drying it with the vehicle running so that new dirt does not adhere, nor the use of hydroalcoholic for cleaning and sanitizing the interior when drying the material of the dashboards and affect screens or plastics.


Recommendations for cleaning the vehicle in summer

Cleaning and caring for the vehicle during the hottest months is essential to keep the bodywork and paint in good condition, as well as to guarantee full visibility and not put road safety at risk.

In this sense, ISTOBAL recommends the use of specific products for the care and washing of each surface of the vehicle to avoid damage and to carry out at least one weekly cleaning at this time of year to protect the vehicle.

From ISTOBAL they have also recalled that in many countries, washing the car in the street is a reason for economic sanctions, as well as driving a dirty car. In addition, the dirt accumulated on the bodywork such as traces of sand, saltpeter, resin, insects and bird droppings deteriorates the paint, affects the color tone itself and causes a loss of shine.

The company recommends respecting all phases of the wash (pre-wash, washing, rinsing, waxing and drying) in order to protect the car's bodywork and other components.

During very hot days, another recommendation is to clean the vehicle first thing in the morning and, if possible, in a professional and covered wash facility. "Very high temperatures can make the water and soap evaporate faster, leaving some traces on the bodywork" - pointed out ISTOBAL's automatic car wash manager.
